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Welcome to CROSSWorld Church

We are a Community who firmly believes in God’s word. Come journey with us.

Loving Jesus — We are made for Him, wired for worship, breathing the Spirit.

Caring for people — We enjoy fellowship, love to laugh, fun to be with.

Dreaming for a transformed Philippines!

We win souls and make disciples one person at a time.

We are consumed with world conquest for God’s glory!

We ask for the nations and we will bless the continents.

We are CROSSWorld Church!

Church Activities

We at CROSSWorld are happy to invite you on our Church Services, Gatherings, Events, Trainings, Workshops and other church-related activities. Just stay posted on our Calendar of Events for more details. This is CROSSWorld! Your church. Your family!

News from our blog

God’s Mission: Your Adoption

Encouraging word from: Max Lucado When we come to Christ, God not only forgives us, he […]

September 7, 2016

Revival: A Purified Church by AW Tozer

But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet […]

September 7, 2016

Prayer by Leonard Ravenhill

The Gospel Of Prayer There’s nothing more transfiguring than prayer. People often ask, “Why do […]

September 7, 2016

Get involved

The success of our Church depends on participation from people like you. Get involved in our Ministries - it will change your life.

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