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About Us

Welcome to CROSSWorld Church!

We started in a “silong” [basement] in 1981 with 40 members as Calvario Evangelical Church, Inc. We sojourned from the basement to different places like under a Talisay tree, an old house, bowling alley and theaters. By God’s grace we grew in numbers and changed our name to Christ Enthroned Church, Inc. in 1996.

Today CROSSWorld Church has a thousand members with 20 churches all over the Philippines and abroad. Aside from churches, we have a Tribal Ministry among the Bataks in Roxas, Palawan, we have Kids at Home Orphanage in Patubig, Marilao and CROSSWorld Child Development Center in partnership with Compassion Pilipinas in providing holistic education to poor and indigent children.

God has called us to bring the Cross to the World by reproducing changed lives for His glory!

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