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The Cross Way

The Cross Way is the DNA of CROSSWorld Church – why we do what we do and how we do it.

Christ will always be at the center of CROSSWorld Church encouraging every believer to develop intimacy with the Lord and obedience to His word. By His grace, we seek to live authentic lives as disciples. For His glory, we pursue intentional disciple-making through Bless, Build and Bridge Process. To cultivate the winning spirit, we mobilize the whole church twice a year through the cycle of Consecration, Conquest, Consolidation and Celebration. We utilize the vehicles of Spirit-filled Worship and Strong Pulpit, Meaningful Life Groups, Life-changing Crossing Weekend and the Edifying Cross Training 1-4 to build disciples and reproduce leaders of a certain kind.

United as one church, we will continue to know God and to make Him known bringing the Cross to the World!

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