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School of Leaders LVL 2


The main objective of this level of training is to train the leader in the vision of growth–the cellular vision. In this level, the leader learns the structure and development of a cell, and the process of raising a team of leaders out of a cell group. This training also equips the leader in intercession, evangelism, and service.

School of Leaders 2: Vision and Intercession
Lecture Seminar
Lesson 1 – The Power of Vision Lesson 1 – Moving the Hand of God through Intercession
Lesson 2 – The Cellular Vision Lesson 2 – Intercession – part 1
Lesson 3 – Preparation to Lead a Cell Lesson 3 – Intercession – part 2
Lesson 4 – Structure and Development of a Cell Lesson 4 – Knowing the Holy Spirit
Lesson 5 – Methodology of Cell Group Lesson 5 – Strengthening the Ministry through Evangelism
Lesson 6 – Strategy for Success Lesson 6 – Evangelism – part 1
Lesson 7 – Motivation for Cell Growth Lesson 7 – Evangelism – part 2
Lesson 8 – How to Solve Problems in the Cellgroup Lesson 8 – Evangelism – part 3
Lesson 9 – How to Choose a Team of Leaders Lesson 9 – Serving Others – part 1
Lesson 10 -Relationship between the Leader and His Disciples Lesson 10 – Serving Others – part 2



  • April 17 to July 3, 2016 – CROSSWorld Center, Bulak St., Malhacan, Meycauayan City, Bulacan
  • September 18 to November 27, 2016 – CROSSWorld Center, Bulak St., Malhacan, Meycauayan City, Bulacan

How to Register:

  • Fill out the SOL2 Registration form available at the Church office.
  • OR Register to our online registration.
  • You can also call or text us at +63 933 452 3343.


  • Must be a graduate of SOL 1.
  • As part of the training requirements, each student under SOL 2 level must be able to build and solidify his cell group.

Online Registration



    Cell Leader

    Date of Training


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