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Every Heart for Jesus

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What is the status of your heart?

“Feeling happy?”
“Feeling amused?”
“Feeling disappointed?”
“Feeling unloved?”

Whatever you are feeling today, God cares. He knows what you are going through and He wants to touch your heart.

The heart is our center where we desire, deliberate and decide. It is not only the seat of our emotions but the core of our soulful devotion. The Bible warns us to “guard our hearts” because it is easily swayed by tempters. We are easily deceived about what we really need and what will really make us happy. The brutal fact is “there is a God shaped vacuum in our hearts that only God can fill” – Blaise Pascal.

Jesus Christ died on the cross with a broken heart to make your heart whole again. He looks at your heart. He wants to heal your heart and fill your heart with good things. He wants to live in your heart so he can make the necessary changes to make your life beautiful and exciting.

Our vision and our passion is to see EVERY HEART FOR JESUS!

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