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  • People Ministry – composed of primary network leaders (12 men and 12 women) discipling and handling cell groups; ushers and marshals responsible for welcoming the people and guests, and responsible for the overall security and cleanliness of the venues and facilities.
  • Campus/Youth Ministry – composed of youth and young professionals undergoing discipleship with the intention of making them more like Christ, and the administering of pastoral care to young people; the primary role of youth and campus ministry is to bring glory to God and reproduce young people and students with good values and ethics and the will to transform and lead the nation in the next generations for the glory of God.
  • J12 & Kidzone Ministry – composed of children ages 4 – 12 yrs. old that teaches them about their Savior; it gives them both facts and experiences that help them to follow Jesus and become good sons and daughters; it helps to validate the importance of children within the church – as a result, children feel welcomed and loved at church.
  • Music Ministry – composed of singers and instrumentalists that are responsible on praise and worship songs for church worship services; people on this ministry are members of cell groups and also handling their own cell group.
  • Multimedia Ministry – composed of multimedia personnel and technicians responsible for the sights, lights, and sounds of overall worship service production including programs & events.
  • Ushering Ministry – the ushering ministry sets the atmosphere in every church service as they work for the physical preparation and maintenance of the orderliness and cleanliness of the place. This ministry currently has more than a hundred passionate ushers committed to the purpose of loving God and His people. The manifestation of this love is quality service, which starts the moment they welcome each and everyone to the house of God.
  • Marshalls Ministry – marshals are in charge of the security of the people attending the services of CROSSWorld, making sure that their belongings will not be in danger considering the volume of people flocking in during events. The Marshal Ministry also assists the Ushering Ministry in crowd control. Finally, marshals monitor vehicle parking for people who bring their cars to church.
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